Submission Information
Business Classifieds are $25 per month (print + online)
Personal Classifieds are $15 per month (print + online)
We currently accept payment by Check, Credit Card, ACH, or Zelle transaction.
We also have options for your ad stand out with:
Red Color (extra $10 per month)
or a Box (extra $15 per month)
All Classifieds should be around 25-35 words. If your word count is above this amount, the base price will increase.
Please fill out the Form above and we will contact you within 3 business days by Email. Be sure to check your spam box if you have not received a response by then.
NOTE: Requests sent without complete information or more than the allotted 25-35 words will be asked to resubmit.
Feel free to call with any questions: 704-527-7570 or email