Categories: Editor's Desk

Samir Shukla


By Samir Shukla

So another horse race begins. Now that the winter doldrums are on the wane, and Election Day 2018 is about 10 months away, those interested in running for office have deadlines coming up. Every election counts. That’s an accepted cliche. But the way American politics has been turning and twisting last few years, there is ever more need for solid, moderate candidates willing to put their reputations and abilities on the line for the sake of American democracy. If you have an interest or know anyone that has any inkling for running for office, from local to national, February is a crucial month to get all the filing information in place. Below are links for potential candidates wishing to run for office in either NC or SC as well as Georgia. Toss your hat in the ring, or persuade a qualified friend or colleague to think it over. Electioneering for mid-term 2018 election begins.

North Carolina Candidate Info:

South Carolina Candidate Info:

Georgia Candidate Info:…