Samir Shukla


By Samir Shukla

The political and social dissonance here in the United States and around the world makes room for something inspiring. Grim and dystopian films are plentiful, so it’s a joy to find something that uplifts and breaks the somberness of the daily barrage of discouraging news.

If you are looking for something to cheer for, a true story to watch with the family, the new film Rule Breakers fits the bill. It is about a group of Afghan girls and their mentor who against all odds in the repressive society of Afghanistan, put together a competitive robotics team. In a country where girls and women’s rights have been decimated, the young women face headwinds and physical threats, obstacles both social and patriarchal, as they finally are able to travel around the world disproving their own people while learning and honing the science and skills required for robotics. They place higher and higher at the end of different competitions. Looking to reach even further.

The film is nicely paced with Indian film star Ali Fazal joining the cast that includes the forward-looking coach portrayed by Nikohl Boosheri, along with Amber Afzali, Nina Hosseinzadeh, Nada El Belkasmi, Sara Malal Rowe and Noorin Gulamgaus. Fazal is the only recognizable name, but the cast has chemistry, and each character imbues the different energies and talents of each young woman which combine into a cohesive, competitive team. And also, a film worth watching.