Categories: Community Focus

Divakar Shukla


By Divakar Shukla

On May 11, 2024, Charlotte Heartfulness hosted “Meditative Melodies” which included meditation, relaxation techniques, along with performances from local dance and vocal artists. With more than 150 in attendance, the event was intended as community outreach and the celebration of the release of the book Spiritual Anatomy. The book is third in a series by the “Fourth Guide” of Heartfulness Kamlesh Patel often referred to as “Daaji”. The first book was The Heartfulness Way and it was followed by Designing Destiny.

The Heartfulness method, also known as Sahaj Marg, which means “The Natural Path,” stems from the tradition of Raja Yoga. The movement emerged in the late 1800’s with the “First Guide” Shri Ram Chandra, affectionately known as Lalaji (1873-1931). His successor was Shri Ram Chandra or Babuji (1899-1983) and the “Third Guide” was Parthasarathi Rajagopalachari also know as Chariji (1927-2014).

The current and fourth guide, Daaji, has written three books that explore Heartfulness meditation which consists of four elements— relaxation, meditation, cleaning, and prayer. The movement now has more than five million practitioners in 160 countries with more than 15,000 certified trainers. Certified trainers guide practitioners to expand their awareness, and develop well-being, contentment, calm, compassion, courage, and clarity. The training is offered free of charge.

The whole exercise of fine-tuning the heart with the mind is through meditation on the heart, and that is why it is called Heartfulness Meditation.

As Heartfulness has its roots in yoga, they promote International Day of Yoga on June 21, and have created a free online collaborative platform where yoga experts from many schools join together to offer free programs to the public. To learn more about Heartfulness training visit

International Day of Yoga is celebrated across the world annually on June 21 (longest day of the year, Summer Solstice). The initiative for “Yoga Day” was taken by India’s Prime Minister Modi in his 2014 UN address. The first International Yoga Day was celebrated on June 21, 2015. Its adoption by the United Nations was in 2014 with 177 nations co-sponsoring it in the General Assembly, where it passed unanimously. As Yoga exercises have shown significant benefits for physical and mental well-being, it was considered important by the UN to globally promote this wellness practice, which originated in ancient India.

Divakar Shukla is the Publisher of Saathee Magazine. Contact: [email protected].