Categories: AstroScope

Jalendu Vaidya


By Jalendu Vaidya

ARIES (March 21 – April 20) – After a negative start, things should take a positive turn. It is advisable to wait until the second week before making any decisions. You could enjoy a slew of successes this month as your confidence will be on par, and those efforts may earn you more income. You will receive great help from friends and business partners. Be sure to drive cautiously to avoid any potential mishaps.

TAURUS (April 21 – May 20) – This is a very favorable time to take on long-term opportunities. You may make an important family/career related decision this month but be prepared for a healthy bit of competition. Try to work through any partnership disputes as any manner of deceit could ruin your plans. Students may have to work harder to achieve their desired grade. Try to avoid shady politics. Some good news from afar may delight you by the end of the month. Watch your health.

GEMINI (May 21 – June 20) – You may experience two very distinct life paths during the first and second half of the month. Great opportunities may come your way so be sure to grab them while destiny favors you. Try maintaining your confidence under the influence of excitement or anger. Your partner along with self-discipline may prove very helpful with this. Watch your health seriously this month. Avoid driving during the last week, if possible.

CANCER (June 21 – July 22) – You will perform exemplarily at work but see no immediate benefit. You will be on the verge of positive change during the last days of the month, so don’t wait to make any important decisions. A friendly discussion with your parents can even help with this choice, so try to avoid deciding this on your own. Some financial loss is also possible.

LEO (July 23 – August 22) – You may experience life akin to a roller coaster ride right now. Carelessness could become the catalyst for some serious health problems. Try to adopt a flexible attitude during the second half of the month. Support from your friends and associates will delight you. A new venture could be on the horizon but be sure to listen to your children before making any bold decisions.

VIRGO (August 23 – September 21) – Your life will be controlled by fate. You may struggle at work, but the third week of the month will help open up new opportunities for you. A family gathering during the last week could bring good luck. A steady state of health is clearly indicated. Avoid any aggression and don’t make any decision based on a friend’s advice. Avoid short distance travel.

LIBRA (September 22 – October 20) – You may enjoy steady progress this month with the help of a close sibling. Enjoy your success, however, try not to move too fast. You may feel content during the middle of the month. You should see a rise in income and the stock market may even offer some relief by the third week. For students, now is not the time to slack on your study habits. A long drive somewhere could prove fruitful.

SCORPIO (October 21 – November 20) – This is a period of great achievement and celebration. Your friends and elders may also bask in your tremendous success. You will enjoy appreciation and respect from higher authorities. This is a good time to invest in business or home affairs. Students may experience a minor setback this month. Your enemies won’t even dare harm you. Use your self-confidence to achieve success.

SAGITTARIUS (November 21 – December 21) – After a positive start, you will experience a minor setback this month. You could lose your confidence and make bad decisions; try to maintain an easy temperament and work hard. Don’t take on any new debt this month. A strong para-psychic experience may generate negative emotions amongst your friends and family. Focus on studying and reading.

CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 21) – You should experience minor positive changes at the beginning of the month. You may feel relaxed, despite an increase in workload. Support from family and your partner will bring good business results. Continue watching your health carefully and avoid enmity with anyone. Also don’t make any social plans, as you might be forced to change them at the last minute.

AQUARIUS (January 22 – February 18) – Try to be practical this month and concentrate on enjoying both your family and social life. This is not a good time for students. If working, a promotion and rise in income are both possible. Be aware of surreptitious enemies as they could destroy your happiness. If involved in a legal dispute, the outcome should turn in your favor.

PISCES (February 19 – March 20) – Even though it will feel like things are improving, some new problems could arise during the last week of the month. Minor health issues could become much more acute. Remain cautious and avoid taking risks. Old family problems may come back to the forefront. Your work performance could be poor, but luck will protect you. Long-term planning is now extremely essential.